"What embitters the world is not excess of criticism, but an absence of self-criticism." - G.K. Chesterton

Thursday, January 31, 2008

PBS "The Question of God", Featuring Freud & Lewis

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Some thoughts on wold-views and ethics from Victor Reppert

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The sun

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Two podcasts worth listening to:

Colin McGinn:

(Click here for MP3)
In this discussion with D.J. Grothe, Colin McGinn explores various kinds of skepticism, giving his concerns about radical fallibilism and certain post-modern critiques of knowledge. He explains how he is certain that ghosts and Gods don't exist. He details how atheistic the profession of philosophy is, and how the tolerance shown while philosophers criticize each other serves as a model for good citizenship. He tells the reasons that led to his religious skepticism and atheism. He examines William Shakespeare as a philosopher, the problem of evil in Shakespeare's plays, and other philosophical subjects found in Shakespeare such as epistemology, ethics, life after death, happiness and the meaning of life. He also explains how getting into Shakespeare as a professional philosopher impacted his philosophy.

Richard Norman:

(Click here for MP3)
Can non-believers make sense of the world? How can there be morality without God? In this episode of Philosophy Bites philosopher Richard Norman, author of On Humanism, contributor to What is Humanism? and member of the Humanist Philosophers Group, explains how it is possible to lead a good life without religion.

Point of Inquiry
Philosophy Bites

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Friday, January 25, 2008

Some divisions are more important than others

I don't know if you get Terry Pratchett's 'Discworld' over in the US. It's a series of satirical fantasy novels (set on a flat disc of a world, travelling through space on the back of giant turtle) for those of you who don't know.

This quote is from one of the more recent ones, 'Monstrous Regime':

"The enemy wasn't men, or women, or the old, or even the dead. It was just bleedin' stupid people, who came in all varieties."

It's this sentiment that comes to mind when reading stuff like this:

These are the same people who picket the funerals of those they disagree with – shouting insults at the friends and families of the deceased.

There's a line, running through all beliefs, between those who have compassion and respect for others and those who don't.

The fights I believe to be the most important aren't about religion, or atheism, or anything like that... it's about taking a stand against stupidity, bigotry and hatred – wherever and in whoever we find them.

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Our friend Jonathan Jong (aka Revvvvvvvd) on Godpod #28!!!

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Why Greg Boyd is the man (and is vilified by our own)

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Cherish the moment

Just found out yesterday that my good friend Brad's brother passed away unexpectedly over the weekend. I guess it was a massive heart attack. He was only 38. Brad is understandably in a real state of shock.

Please, my friends don't take your life for granted. Entertain the big picture, keep your trials in perspective. Rejoice in the good things you have for today for there's no guarantee you'll have them tomorrow.

It would be a shame for the play to end while we were out in the lobby buying popcorn.

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Saturday, January 05, 2008

ISOHP takes the morality show on the road.

A little change of scenery is always nice.

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Friday, January 04, 2008

A pathetic attempt at light conversation

As happens from time to time Matt sent me a friendly email the other day and my attempt at light hearted conversation quickly got out of hand and morphed into a post I have been meaning to write. So I figured, rather than triggering a private email debate, I'd spare Matt and just put it up as a new thread. Once finished I will make another attempt at personable conversation. Wish me luck.

Matt said:
"Who knows, maybe we'll have some answers by then." (referencing the possibility of us still swinging away at this in 09)

Begin Alex:
Heh... We have all sorts of answers. It's just that we are hesitant to put to much stock in any of them! Here's how I see it. If each of us were in a vacuum, we'd probably be fairly satisfied with our own particular world views. Problem is... we're not. We are both all to cognizant of individuals vastly exceeding our own intellect who disagree with us. As such, simply 'being happy' with our wold view becomes less tenable as it is probably false in one or more fairly important aspects. We also realize that with the fundamental "is there a God?" question, one of our views is correct while the other is not. On an intellectual level we are bright enough to entertain the possibility that it could indeed be our own person who is wrong. Thus, the search continues. If we are aware of any particular area in the others world view that we cannot dismantle to our own satisfaction, the desire to continue researching and reading will continue. While all this has been phenomenal mental exercise for me and an experience I'm quite indebted to, something seems to be missing. The sustained amount of head work we do here seems to have the potential of becoming vacuous and empty. Your "quick question" the other day hints at as much.

When it comes to the search for truth, it's not easy. You can always doubt it. There's always going to be someone smarter than you are. Someone who's more handy with logic. You can never win. The world's not that simple. So if there's a God, what does this state of affairs say about his programme? Why does he make it so impossibly difficult to find him this way? I've been pondering this quite a bit lately. As such, certain things have been jumping out at me from my readings. Allow me to explain:

In response to the question, "Why does God make us go through all this to know him?" I think what I'd like to say is this:

Maybe he doesn't.

I've ran across a few passages recently that seem to indicate a more cohesive, less inscrutable option.

"This one God is known to us not speculatively but existentially. He [Irenaeus] expresses this in saying: 'Without God, you cannot know God.' God is never an object. In all knowledge it is he who knows in us and through us. Only he can know himself; we may participate in his knowledge of himself. But he is not an object whom we can know from the outside. God is unknown according to his greatness, his absoluteness, his unconditional character. He is known in according to his love in which he comes to us. Therefore, in order to know God you must be within God; you must participate in him. You can never know him as an object outside yourself."

– Paul Tillich on Irenaeus of Lyons addressing necessary conditions for knowing God.

"...contrary to a typical human attitude, knowledge of God is not a spectator sport. It is rather part of a process of God’s thorough make-over of a person." p.17

"God refuses, for our own good, to become a mere idol of our thought or entertainment." p. 17

"Filial knowledge of God is available to every sincere seeker at God’s appointed time. Still, its realization comes via—and not in advance of—an attitude of sincere willingness to love God with the kind of love characteristic of God." p.30

"The evidence of God’s presence offered by loving character-transformation in God’s children is crucial. It goes much deeper than the comparatively superficial evidence found in entertaining signs, wonders, visions, ecstatic experiences, and fancy philosophical arguments. We could consistently dismiss any such sign, wonder, vision, ecstatic experience, or argument as illusory or indecisive, given certain alterations in our beliefs. In contrast, genuine character transformation toward God’s all-inclusive love does not admit of easy dismissal. It bears directly on who one really is, the kind of person one actually is." p.35

– Paul Moser, Why Isn't God More Obvious?

I think there's something to this. Something larger than I can put into words. Part of it is simply that though I can convince my mind through interesting thought experiments, in the end it's empty... if that's all the further it goes. I get the feeling I have been carrying somewhat of an inappropriate attitude towards knowing God all these years. I have wanted to anthropomorphize what it is to know God. I want it to be a 'feeling'. In short, I want it on my terms. Perhaps this isn't the proper road to take in response to the God of all creation?

Perhaps it's more of a response to something much more primary than I had ever thought?


Well friends. Classes have begun afresh, so this will probably be the last you hear of me for another few months. (aside from one other piece I've been working on which will appear in due time) I'll be digging into to my first systematic theology class this quarter which ought to be a good ride. My other class has to do with various cultural perspectives on ethics and such. I'm rather looking forward to that one as well!

Best wishes to you all this new year. And thanks for the thoughtful conversations! See you again when I can come up for air.

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Thursday, January 03, 2008

The danger of simplistic labels

It seems that, in response to the atheist OUT campaign, a Christian version has been launched (though on a far smaller scale). Alonzo Fyfe (otherwise known as 'Atheist Ethicist') puts things much more eloquently than I could hope to manage, so I'll simply quote him:

So, now we have two sides, each wearing their own flags and wearing their own uniforms, each defining themselves by their opposition to the other.

If people are not careful - if they do not make a conscious effort to see how this develops, it is a type of situation that could get out of hand. Humans have a psychological disposition towards tribalism, with a tendency to be hostile towards opposing tribes. Saying that atheists are immune from this disposition is saying that atheists are not human.

This type of tribalism has come to be extremely destructive in different times in human history. It is something we need to be careful about.

I like to think that this blog is - or at least aims to be - the antithesis of such tribalist mentalities. While we each have our own beliefs and arguments, I hope that we manage to avoid cramming people into simplistic boxes.

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